Friday, October 19, 2012

So much going on, but first....

Do you know a sick kid? There is a good chance if they are sick, they are probably treated at a Children's Miracle Network Hospital. It is a nation wide network of hospitals that have a special place, just for kids! In our area it is Albany Medical Center.  There is a great organization that harnesses the power of nerds together to raise money for kids. It's called Extra-Life !  We game for 24 hours, we wii, we xbox, we rock band, and we play croquet! doesn't matter the game, it really is about all getting together for one day to pool all of our energy for sick kids out there.  We participated last year and raised over a $1200 for just our little team! Nationally though, together in all our awesome nerdy gamerdom we raised over $1.1 million! Hey that is a ton of money, and the best part is that it stays locally! We get to choose the hospital that it goes to. Fast forward to this year. With one less participant in our team we have already raised over $1400 and we set our goal to $1500. So would you kindly donate to us? We only ask that you give what you can, and we appreciate all that you give!

I want to share this from the extra-life site, it sums up why we do this. Now just imagine that this is happening to thousands and thousands of parents all over the world.


As we all prepare for tomorrow’s gaming, we wanted to share a bit about why we Extra Life.  If you are not familiar with why Extra Life began, it was because one guy met a kid that changed his life. You know that guy as Doc and the force that shaped his life was a little girl named Victoria (Tori) Enmon. Below is a letter from Tori’s mom, Jo Ellen. When you’re finding it hard to make another ask for donation,  when you’re cursing your gaming system that just stalled out, or searching for your lost board-game pieces, remember why we play these games and raise these funds. We do this to change the lives of children.
In one moment of time our world as we knew it was shattered, changed, and would never ever be the same. Our youngest daughter, Victoria was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in January of 2004. She was only 11 ½ years old and in the 6th grade. There are not enough words that I could put on this page to tell you how difficult as a parent that is to hear – YOUR CHILD HAS CANCER!  We were completely devastated. We started thinking “how, why, what”…. And yet even as I type this, we do not know the answers to those questions. Our daughter Victoria had grown up desiring to be a cheerleader. She took gymnastics and was on a travelling gymnastic team, even completing in the junior Olympics in 2003. She was the picture of health and athleticism.  She excelled academically at school and was a constant source of entertainment and laughter at our house!!
The story progresses with one young girl growing up and knowing words like chemo, radiation, methotrexate, and could read her blood reports backwards and forward. She had countless blood transfusions, MRI’s, CAT scans, x-rays, ports and IV’s. She was hospitalized for months at a time at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas about 120 miles from our home. Each time that she was hospitalized, she was the child that was up and encouraging other children with their illnesses. She never met a stranger or a doctor that she didn’t like.  Throughout all of her battles – she was always smiling.
Victoria passed away on January 21, 2008 at the age of 15.
This year my  personal  goal is simply an amount that equals the days that it has been since Victoria passed away. I can tell you today, that each day that she has been gone has created a hole in our hearts that is very deep. We miss her each and everyday. We struggle each day and take each moment one at a time.
We appreciate each and every one of you that supports Extra Life. Supporting this great cause means that perhaps one day there will be a cure for all childhood illnesses.  Thank you for your continued support of me and our family as we continue to support Victoria’s greatest legacy – helping others!
Jo Ellen Enmon (Mom)
Keep up the great work. Share why you Extra Life and keep asking for those donations; don’t stop until you’ve hit your goal. Ask others to support you as you raise funds so that no child will be turned away from lifesaving care. Be a Hero.

For The Kids (FTK!),
Team Extra Life @ExtraLife4Kids
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals @cmnhospitals

So please visit my page and give, every little bit counts!  Thanks!!
Give a donation to our team!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

You like wine? Apple Cakes? Busy on Saturday?

Yes that is a pick up line.

I'll be supporting Southern Rensselaer County Boys and Girls Club this Saturday at Pat's Barn in Rensselaer.
It's a great cause and I'll be donating some of my profits to the cause!  So come drink some wine, eat some food and buy and apple cake!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I want you to know...

... that this posting, barely once in a while, if at all has been going on since my mother got me a diary at the Hallmark store in Vandalia, Illinois, that I just had, had, had, had to have, or I would DIE! It was spotty at best then, as it is now. I'm not a writer, or a runner, or a good house cleaner. I just need to get over those facts and move on.

I do know what I am though. I'm a small business owner, a wife, a mother to two fur babies, and most recently.... 


That's right!! The very wonderful women from Sefcu called last week and broke the news. I am funded, as long as I pass a background check. (note: hide dead body better and clean up off shore bank account) So freaking excited and nauseous, and excited and terrified, and excited and I might be having a heart attack.

So this fancy Mexican restaurant is all mine (well leased) and will be opening by the end of October, if everything goes right, which it won't. But that's what happens, every pot hole in the road is expected, even if I have no idea that it's coming. I'll keep you up to date on all the renovations etc. Don't worry, that fancy black plastic out side won't be going away! Not till I own the building, I'm too cheap to fix up someone else's mess. 

So here I go!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Have a WINNER!!

Congratulations to Star G! She is the winner of 1 dozen free cookies of her choice! Thanks for entering everyone, it was awesome to see some new "faces" on the entry lists. I hope your all become regulars here!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm feeling give-away-ee

Yeah I just made that word up. Deal. So in honor of my birthday last-last week, I'm feeling like giving something away. I think cookies, and I think a Dozen or so.  You'll have your choice of 4 different kinds, and you can mix and match as you like. I've got

Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Ginger Puffs, Snickerdoodles and Trail Mix.  So get to signing up and passing the word (yo)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


Happy Birthday Juila!

Happy Happy Birthday to a women who inspired millions. Julia Childs would have turned 100 today. I know she was one of the many reasons that I went to culinary school. I watched Julia cook on Saturday afternoons on PBS. Her and The Frugal Gourmet, who come to find out, liked the young boys, but I digress. She was an tour d' force in the culinary world, busting through glass ceilings and breaking down doors where ever she went. I don't know what life for a women chef would be like today if she hadn't paved the way. So to Julia, I raise a glass, and say on this momentous birthday, women chefs the world over say, thank you for being, everything we strive to be. Bon Appetite!

Thanks to Lunchboxbrain for finding this one!  She would have loved it!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The SEED Program

So I have been very reluctant to let everyone know about this, mostly because, in the end, it's not definite. And I don't want to tell everyone that I didn't get it. Oh. I should tell you what "it" is...

Earlier this year, I applied for, and was accepted into the SEED program. A small business education and loan program provided by the SBDC (Small Business Development Center)and SEFCU, our local Credit Union. In early July my class met for the first time and was handed our binders. We started class right away, and have met every Sunday for the last 6 weeks. There are 7 other amazing people in my class, all from different back grounds, all with different goals, all at different places in their businesses.

The main point of the class is to prepare our business plan for SEFCU and to give us some direction in our business. Some of us are there because we need to expand (me!) some are there to buy an existing business, some are just getting started out and are really developing their direction through the homework. They didn't just want to hand us checks and throw us out to the wolves, hopefully we'll have a leg up. So in week 7 we are getting down to the nitty gritty of the plan. Hammering out pricing and quantities and lots of stuff. I'm starting to get nervous that I'm not doing as much as I need to do. But I also feel like every business owner goes through this.

So the most important part of this whole post is that I am very very close to having my OWN PLACE!!!! Cue Fanfare. Fireworks!! It's an old Mexican restaurant in Rensselaer. I will use my decorating magic to peel back Mexican and make awesome bakery instead. But settle down, this is all dependant upon the funding. So I am asking for super good thoughts going out to the board that makes the decision. I present on September 7th. It's a Friday. I'll send another message out as a reminder that I need all good juju coming my way. Anyone who promises and sends good juju will get a hug and a cookie. Yes I am using cookies for bribing, and yes, I am OK with that.

So this is why I haven't been as attentive to my blog as I feel I should. I'm hammering out details, that I didn't even know that I needed.

I hope to introduce you to all the folks that I'm in class with once they are up and going. So remember, good thoughts

P.S. Look out for another give away coming soon!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Favorite Thing Friday

What a crazy week! I don't think I have stopped running since Monday Morning! Lots of news coming your way, so keep a look out. And if you even care, I started running again, though less then I would like due to the fact, that if I stay up till 1am filling orders, sorry but a 6:30am run is just not in the picture. But the want is there, just not the sleep. So here is my Favorite thing this week....

Boxes and lots of them!

Box #1  Order!

Box #2  Winning Apple Cake (!) going out to Pat B!

Box #3 Box of Seriously delish goodies going out to a group of ladies at Blogher '12 One who is a close friend, and wedding attendant Melissa Cleveland who's outstanding blog you  can find HERE! (and also over there on the links ---->) She's also got some amazing blogging roommates who will share in the yumminess.

So yeah! for an awesome week of packages shipped!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Congratulations To PAT B!!! The winner of Andi's Apple Cakes first Giveaway! Thank you to everyone that entered and checked out my page! We will be doing another one soon! Keep your eyes peeled!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Facebook-Blog Giveaway!!!

In celebration of 100 likes on Facebook. I am giving away an Apple Cake to a lucky liker!

So Make sure you like me on Facebook (if you haven't already) and spread the word!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Coeymans Landing

Tomorrow starts Coeymans Landing Farmers Market. I'm pretty excited to get back to the shores of the Hudson and see all my South Albany friends again. Everyone is so nice! There will be lots of yummy produce and some DELISH baked goods! (if I do say so myself)  Hope you can join me out for what promises to be a beautiful day. Don't forget, the village gets entertainment every Thursday night! It starts at 6:30 in the gazebo and everyone has a great time. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A wagon update

So the diet is going well. This time we have no dead line, well at least K doesn't. I'm looking to be "in the family way" sometime this fall. So at that point I'll go back to eating healthy just not dieting. Gotta make me a healthy baby! So we are doing pretty good. There is a lot more "cheating" this time, or more like bending the rules. I'm ok with having a little treat here and there, so long as it's not crazy and I don't go overboard. I feel that this will keep me on plan a lot longer. I don't know how K is doing, but with being at work, he has a lot less opportunities to cheat, so I'm sure he's doing better with it than I.

We ended up getting a new scale in the middle of it all, so I'm not exactly sure where we stand. And for a while at the beginning I wasn't getting on the scale, I just wanted to see how my clothes were fitting, instead of numbers. Then I got wise and got on the scale. That lasted about three days until I couldn't stand it anymore!

So here are the numbers.  Since June 10th as best as I can figure,  it's somewhere in the vicinity of 16 lbs or so. I guess. Well I do know that the pants are fitting better, and remember this pair of pants....

They fit again!!!

 So it all works out to about a half a pound a day. Not too shabby. We had some setbacks in the first week or so, working out what we could eat, and getting out fat count lower. To much fat doesn't make for a skinny Andrea. So now that we've got's working.  We did find some awesome products from Kay's Naturals  they've got tons of foods that are quite delish!  I really enjoy the Lemon Herb Chips and the Cinnamon Almond Cookies.

So were still plugging along. I'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Summer Time!

Phew! It's a hot one out there!  I hate hate hate when it's hot. I live in the Northeast for a reason, dammit! Alright enough b*tching.

So Watervliet is underway, and Delmar is doing great! Up next is Vorheesville for a week... I'll be there next Friday, June 29th for a one time only engagement! With my busy work schedual and other items, that I will share at a latter date, pressing upon my full plate, I have decided to only do three farmers markets this year, Watervliet, Coyemans, and Delmar. It just so happens that I can fit this Voorheesville one in so, I'm gonna! So watch out for me all you voorheesvillians(?) and I'll see you in a week and change.

I'm currently testing busicuts out at Fred the Butcher, if all goes well they will make their way on to the regular circulation of famers markets. And super exciting this week...Duck Eggs!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet...but I hear cake is the way to go, as with the added protien, they rise and rise!

Can't wait to see more folks out, and make new friends! See you soon!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Watervliet Farmers Market

Come one..COME ALL!!

This year is going to be bigger and better then ever! Located at the Hudson Shores Park off of 787 in Watervliet NY, is the farmers market. It's a smally but a goodie. Good farms, Good bakers (hey that's me!) Good activities for the kids. All from 2:30 to 5:30 Every Tuesday till the fall. I hope to see you there!!!

That means it starts tomorrow!

Come and visit!

I'm giving out free hugs.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How was your week?

Ours was crazy!  Last week (Saturday) started my farmers market season. So besides juggling the pt job, by the end of June I'll add three farmers markets a week.  I'm not sure about this....
this Saturday night had me up till 1:30a getting everything ready, though that was my fault for not getting my butt in gear sooner in the day.  We had a house guest for the week, K's first dog Maggie, came to stay while K's parents headed off to Bermuda. Yes, I was crazy jealous. Maggie's an old girl who can't move so well, and needs to take nightly walks, and had to have pills, and yada, yada, yada. We loved having her, but now she's back home, and we'll have an easier time. 

I've been remiss writing in the blog. Sometimes,  it's just cause I don't have anything to say. Sometimes its just laziness. I'm not a huge picture taker. I have dog's, not kids (yet)  and though they are adorable (!) they don't have many mile stones to share. Though I am very proud of lady this week. She got out and when I called her back, she came. Which is a huge deal. So yay! 

So though it seems like not much is going on, we've been busy. I hate to say it, but I feel that posting will be sporadic at best. I'll put forth more effort, but I promise nothing. 

Breakfast on the new picnic table

1st Summer Market in Delmar

 Starting to work on our Basement

Pups in the Sunshine

Maggie on the way to our house!
Here are some photos from this past week, see we really did do something!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A small update or two.

Just updated the gallery and the treats for sale pages. Thought you should know  :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Favorite Thing Friday

A little late is better then never....

It's our new Picnic table, and why is it my favorite? Cause I made it, with my husband!


Monday, April 30, 2012

Updates and a New Recipe!

So an update on the hot cross buns. They worked! Mom like them, said they were really good. Maybe not spot on, probably due to the fact that, I, unlike Freihofers, don't use crap ingredients. Just real stuff for me, and... no preservatives. And here it is as promised a really great pizza crust recipe!

Pizza Crust

2 pkgs yeast or 4 1/2 tsp
2 Cups warm water 105-115 degrees
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
4 1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
2 tbsp olive oil

Use a large bowl (12 cup or more)  Put yeast in the bowl and add warm water and sugar. Mix it around and let it get frothy. This should take about 10 minutes or so. Add 2 cups of the flour and still till it is smooth and well mixed.  Add another cup of flour and continue to mix.  Add fourth cup of flour, continue to mix then add the last 1/2 cup of flour. When your dough is all combined, add oil, and mix.  Knead for 5 minutes, or until it's smooth. Take a good look at the dough, is it smooth or does it look lumpy? If its lumpy keep kneading. If it's still sticking to your hand add a little oil. Once it's smooth, let sit to rise until doubled in volume. Some place warm is best, on stove if its warm or on a radiator. Once its risen, punch it down and divide. You can get 3- 12" pizzas out of one recipe. Divide in two for 2- Sicilian crust pizzas.  Drop some oil inside of a Ziploc and place your portioned dough into the freezer. Take out in the morning and put into the fridge to thaw for dinner. Take out a couple of hours before baking to let warm and rise again. Try not to work the dough to much.

Note: To do my mixing and kneading, I use a Kitchen Aid mixer. I start with the paddle to incorporate all flour and oil then switch to the dough hook to knead. Still knead about 5 minutes, keeping and eye for the smooth dough.  Some mixers can not handle dough, keep an eye on your machine as not to burn out the motor.

Bake at 425 degrees, on a greased  cookie sheet.

Recipe Courtesy of:   Pirma! Recipes of Choice by Laurina Filippini Holte

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hot Cross Buns & Chores. Is your Satuday this exciting?

So I'm boldly going into the world of yeast breads. Very slowly, but I'm still venturing. Dipping my toe in, I guess. I was never very good at it, but I've made progress with the rising and the proofing, so I feel that it's time to make a go. I worked on the hot cross buns for my MIL last night. She remembers the original Friehofers ones. No icing crosses, and come to find out, they are pretty much a cinnamon bun with raisins in it, and a sugary top. I think I made a pretty good stab at it last night. K said that the sugary top was right, just needed more sugar, and they weren't bad, but more raisins and more cinnamon.  So I'm going to take a few down to Mom's and see what she thinks of them. 

I'm beginning to be a pro at pizza dough, I've got a really great, simple, dough that I'll make sure that I share the recipe for. It's super easy and it freezes well and, It works out to be so much cheaper then getting a pizza in. Well today is a chore day, aren't all Saturday's chore days? At least in my house then are. I'm needed in the yard and at the wash machine. So off I go!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

Vacation..nuff said.

(minor p.s. These are from our phones. Not our real vacation photos)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sick, Vacation, Easter, Birthdays. I think that's it...

Well, It's been a super busy spring. Super-super busy, and it's only mid- April. Since last I posted (cough--beginning of March) I got a job! and got sick! and went on vacation! So really it's not like I was ignoring you blog world, well ok, I was totally ignoring you. I had bigger fish to fry.

So quick update---
I got a job-- I'm working at a local preschool. 4 hours a day, so it won't stop me from making tons of yummy treats for farmers markets. The kids are awesome, as are my co-workers. So it's fun to get out and meet people again.

Subsequently I got sick---
Those places are nasty germ laden cesspools of bacteria and virus'  I got a horrible GI bug that knocked me on my butt for 4 days. And then the DH got it so we were down for a week here. That sucked.

Right after that we went on Vacation....
TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was my first time, and I walked around Magic Kingdom squealing like an eight year old, for 15 1/2 hours. To tell the truth, there wasn't a lot of squueeing at 12:30am, but I was really tired. They were quite inside squees.  

We also went to Universal, which means 
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!
Just as excited about this as I was about Disney. And it was SOO worth it. HPLand was freaking spectacular. The ride was theee best roller-coaster I have ever been on. And Butterbeer... I don't even know what to say.   Creamy cream soda. SO EFFING GOOD!!!! oh and I bought a wand, Yes you read that right, this 32 year old lady bought a magic wand. Don't hate. It rocks. 

After an awesome vay-cay  we were home again and then it was my MIL's birthday, Easter, and yesterday was my DH's birthday.  

So really, I wasn't ignoring you, I was hopping around the country and celebrating everywhere I went. Now though, its back to reality and there will be more regular posts. I'll try to get some pictures up, so you can share in the magic with me. Thanks for coming back after all this time, see you soon!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Irish Soda Bread

'Tis the season Laddies and Lassies!  Irish Soda Bread is Back!!!!

Drop an email....
Call the Line...
or go to Fred the Butcher!

Gettum' while there here St Patty's day is just around the corner!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Couch to 5k- Update

     Well week one is over and week two is about to begin. I wasn't really worried about week one when I started. It's a 5 minute warm-up, then you alternate 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking, then a 5 minute cool down.  Easy enough, and it was. The only down side to the start of C25k is that it is still February in the north east, the weather is unpredictable at best. The start of the week was very nice, sunny, warm (mid 40's) and not bad to run in. Then a nasty wave of crappy weather came through, though not very precipitous, it was windy.  Really, really, windy. I shouldn't complain Syracuse was getting battered with snow and lots of it, and Miss M was running in it. I was a pansy though, and waited to complete my week on Sunday as it was too yucky on Friday and too windy on Saturday. So Sunday turned out to be my best day to run, and it wasn't bad, just cold. I have a hard time breathing in the cold. I've never been diagnosed with asthma, and for the most part never have a hard time breathing, except when it's cold out. Anything around 30 degrees and below, it becomes hard to really catch my breath. So running in the cold becomes extra hard, but I'm committed and I'll just huff and puff through it.  

So this weeks work out is a 5 minute warm up and alternating 90 seconds of running with 2 minutes of walking. I'm not sure about this week. I've found it hard to get going again after I run. Sometimes I am thankful for that little voice saying 'walk'  but I feel like I could keep running. I'm not worried about how the 90 seconds of running will be, I'm far more concerned about how hard it will be getting back to running after 2 minutes of walking.

Anyone else doing the C25k? Did you find it hard to start running again?

Free app for windows phones

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Couch to 5k


So my friend from High School, Miss M (see her awesome blog here) is a runner. And I want to be a runner, but have never fancied myself one. M was never a runner in HS we played tennis together, and were nerds together, but never running. Then graduation happened and we went our separate ways. Then facebook happened. And I saw M for the first time in years. WOW!!!  Who was that beautiful women? What happened? Sleek, sophisticated, and stylish! Not saying that she wasn't beautiful before, we are all beautiful women, but she was shiny now! Gittery, and shiny, and WOW!

And then I found out the awful horrible truth.....She was a runner. Sh*t. My hopes are dashed. I am not a runner, well I don't think I am a runner. Last summer, in my weightloss-stravaganza for the wedding, I took up jogging (with a soft J) and Holy-sh*t I like it.

Really-me? Like... running?  No way Jose! But for sure. It happened. Then the wedding came, then fall, then holidays, then this half-arsed winter that we're having. Since there isn't a foot and a half of snow on the ground, and it's far to early to till the garden, I'm starting to run again. I started the couch to 5k program yesterday. It's designed to make getting off your ass easy. And it is. So to my friend M who silently pushed me to get out and run... I hate you bitch. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  <3  (also thank you)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thanks for stopping by!

If you were out at the Honest Weight Food Market yesterday, Thanks for stopping by! You made the day a real success!  Everyone at the Co-op is so nice and helpful. The customers are great, and always looking for something tasty! I hope we will be a great fit. See you there!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Naked White Boy with Arrows Patroling the Streets!

It's Valentines Day, so if your with someone who moderately likes/loves you, and they buy into it, you should be having a pretty decent day. Or, you could be like the millions among us that don't have anyone special in our lives and be hating today with a passion.

I'm not a huge fan of the holiday, but I participate none the less. It's nice to say how much I love my husband, though we're the folks that say it to each other many, many times each and everyday. The last words that he hears as he leaves in the morning are "I love you" and so are the last words that he hears at night. I couldn't imagine being with someone that doesn't say I love you all the time. I know of people that never heard it during their marriage, or from a parent. I really don't understand that. I come from a family that shows their emotion, we hug, and kiss, and tell each other we love them. Though it's a cynical way to look at life, or maybe just realistic, it might be the last time that I get to tell them. I don't want to take the chance of them not hearing it one last time.

This week two very special people died in a car accident. I grew up in a small town were everyone knew everyone. Families have lived in the same area for generations, and are intertwined through the countryside. Most of the big families are related somehow. Two pillars of the community were killed in Florida, in a car accident. They were Farmers, and active in the community and church. They held their family and friends, which was really everyone, in such high regard. They were the people that would offer you the shirt off their back, a warm meal, a good laugh, a hug and a prayer. God called them home, together.

Looking back at Charlie & Georgianna's life, I can only hope that my husband and I have a tenth of the love that they shared with each other and their friends, because then we will truly be rich. So this valentines day, I remember to share my love with everyone. Let it enrich my life and my heart, and hopefully make someone's day a little brighter. Pass a good deed or word along, and make this place, just a little better.

Happy Valentines day to you, and know that some where, someone loves you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Trip to Boston in Pictures

View from Cambridge into Boston

We giggled, and so are you.

Take from the top of the Prudential Building

in the Top of the Hub Restaurant

Great Views and Delish Food!

Everyone needs one.

Really? Genny? Really???
 There are more to come, but it's a nice Sampling.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More good News!

Hey what are you doing next week around lunch time on Thursday? Are you in the Albany area? Do you like (or would like to try) Apple Cake? Well then do I have the Activity for you!!!! 

Come and visit Me (YES, ME!!!)  at the Honest Weight Food Co-op on Central Ave in Albany. If you like food, then you probably know where it is. If not HERE is a handy little map.  I'll be there from 11am- 1pm
sampling my fine wares. Please stop in, buy a delish apple cake and see all the other things that the market has to offer! Which is a ton, come hungry!

See you there!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gaining Steam!

Today was the first delivery day for Fred the Butcher in Clifton Park. The display looks great, and I've got a few ideas to make it a home run, so I'll update it next week when I get there. On another bright note Andi's Apple Cakes will be at LePages Market in Cohoes starting next Wednesday! It's a great little Deli/Convenience store, and the Owner Tony is 100% behind buying local. Keep checking back and seeing where I'll be popping up next!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Andi's Apple Cakes Welcomes Fred the Butcher to her Family!

Starting on Wednesday February  8th, AAC will be selling her products at Fred the Butcher!


From Facebook

Come and check out the Apple Cakes and other goodies right by the register!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So that was January...

Really? That was January.  What a crappy way to start the year. 2012, I thought you were better then this.  It seems like everyone is in the hard core doldrums of winter. But we haven't had winter yet. It's going to be 50 degrees today. FIFTY DEGREES!!! This is Horse Sh*t. I'm beginning to think this lack of season change is starting to screw me up.  It's so beautiful out, I want to go do spring things. Plant and clean, and till and grow. And then the reality hits again that its January. Are you feeling the same way? Or are you like poor Fulton, NY with their 40 inches of snow, yesterday...

Well on to bigger and brighter things!

Valentines day is just around the corner! Don't forget to send the love across the miles and give your sweetie an apple cake! Let me know and I'll include a card with your special message in it!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Christ I'm starting to sound like Al Roker.  Spring hurry up so I can air out this house and my brain!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Out and About!

So today was a sample drop off day. I visited some local markets and dropped off samples of Apple Cake in hopes of luring them into selling. So keep your fingers crossed. The basket of apple cakes is working out well at Delmar Market Place. So that's a plus. And other then that. It's slow. Real slow.

So yeah that's what I've got today. Not a whole heck of a lot, but it's January.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

One long holding pattern.

Are you in a holding pattern? I am. The new year came and went, and I went blah. I'm doing nothing. I own my own place and don't go out for work. If you have noticed, people don't eat sweets in January, well even for the first quarter. So I'm in a holding pattern. I have things I could be doing, but...meh. I have achieved 99.8% in Harry Potter Lego Years 5-7. That's Something. Right? The house needs a good, solid cleaning, starting with the upstairs garbage pit. The basement needs to be cleaned and condensed because we need to start scraping off the thin set that the morons, that had this house before us, put all over the walls. The problem is that the foundation leaks, so we need to clean it all off seal the entire thing, and then finish the basement the right way.

But lately I can't seem to get out of my own way. I'll sit down at the computer in the morning to check my email, facebook, blog, etc and boom it's eleven o'clock. Seriously where in the hell does the time go?  Is this happening to you, all you WFH folks. I can't imagine that the SAHM/D are like this. You (at least in my mind) have a billion responsibilities that you MUST attend to i.e. Children. I don't have a child that needs attention. My dogs enjoy nap time next to Mom on the couch, while I get my morning internet fix. So, there, two things at once. Spending time with the furkids and facebook. I'm such a multi-tasker. BLAH!!!!!

What do you do to keep yourself motivated? Lists? Schedual?  Let me know! All advice is welcome!

Friday, January 20, 2012

I don't know what I was thinking, but I'm happy I did it.

15 Year. 15 YEARS!!!

I graduated from my little tiny High School, 15 years ago. To some that might seem laughable, to others an eternity.  But for me 15 years is a reality check.  Where am I in life? Well over the past 5 years I have made leaps and bounds towards my major life goals. I found the love of my life, I got married, I've started my own business. I'm pretty pleased with where my life is now. Could it be better? YEP. But, am I planted on the right path... YEP!

But WOW-- 15 years. What is everyone else doing? Well, we all have the benefit of facebook now so I can keep up with a large majority of my classmates. Which making the planning of our 15 year reunion, much easier. Because for some insane reason, I decided to do it.  And I'm quite glad that I did.  Many people hate even thinking about their reunion. I understand that, maybe if I wasn't so happy where I am right now, I would feel different. Because come on, we all know, we will be judged. There is no way around it. People will be keeping tabs on kids and houses, and marriages and divorces. Who stayed and who moved away. How many Drs. and Lawyers, and Nurses, and construction workers there are. Who got together with whom, and where they are now. Who showed up and who didn't.

I'm not saying it's right, it just is.

But for better of for worse we're getting together.

So the planning begins.  First I'll say, I know I can't please everyone. It's going to be a rough road ahead. We plan on getting together during the summer. Not sure what we want to do, or where we want to go. But it's been 15 years since I've gotten to see some of these people. So stick around, I'm sure the posts will be interesting.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA and how it Effects YOU!

Do you use the internet?  Well pretty much everyone does, whether they realize it or not. The Congress is setting to pass a bill called SOPA the Stop Online Piracy Act. You can check out the bill 112 HR 3261 HERE It is aimed to shut down "rouge" websites. Those are the ones that are making piracy of information possible. These are the places you can go and get music and movies and download them without paying for them. Here is a Summary of the Bill from

OpenCongress Summary

This bill would establish a system for taking down websites that the Justice Department determines to be dedicated to copyright infringment. The DoJ or the copyright owner would be able to commence a legal action against any site they deem to have "only limited purpose or use other than infringement," and the DoJ would be allowed to demand that search engines, social networking sites and domain name services block access to the targeted site. It would also make unauthorized web streaming of copyrighted content a felony with a possible penalty up to five years in prison. This bill combines two separate Senate bills -- S.968 and S.978 -- into one big House bill.

There is also a great article in the from Aaron Wang that explains why we should be scared of SOPA. Since he is a professional writer, I'll let him say it best.

So this is all really leading up to an announcement for tomorrow. My tiny little blog will shut down at 12:00am and protest SOPA.  All you bloggers out there should too. If this happens, and you even accidentally pirate an image, song, etc. This will effect you. Fines and prison. Lets all remember the napster nonsense of the late 90's, this will be a billion times worse.

So get out there people, let your fingers be heard! Check out this site for stuff for your blog from  

I also ran across this handy little page shut down html.  It's for but it works for blogger too. Just use a html widget and copy and paste. Check preview to see if it works, and voilĂ , you have a shut down.

So don't feel your the only one, there'll be lots of us out there, namely wikipedia reddit and even google will have a message up on the main site.

Lady's New Coat

So our little lady is all of 10lbs, and she is shivering a bit up here in NY. The husband is stricktly against the dressing of dogs, but after a little convincing from me, and a little shaking from Lady we convinced him that it would be ok. Well I might have just said.. "I'm making Lady a Coat" as I climbed the stairs to the craft room. So I just wanted to show off my handy work. She seems to like it, it keeps the heat in, and I feel it's quite stylish. Please pay no attention to my ridiculous hair, it's very dry here, and I'm a little frizzy.

No coat for me, Mommy?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Recipe Posting - White Bean and Tuna Salad

It's not pretty, but it's pretty delicious

Today's recipe share is White Bean and Tuna Salad. I came across this recipe ages ago in a book by Kathleen Daelemans called Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen. Unfortuatly I don't own this book, so I can't give you the exact recipe, but this is as close an approximation that I can remember, and it's how I make it all the time.  It's a great recipe that you can make in a flash, keep everything in the pantry for it, it's healthy, filling and you can make it taste any way you prefer.  So here is your yummy recipe for this week!

Tuna and White Bean Salad with a Cumin Vinaigrette

2 Cans Tuna (which ever kind you prefer)
1 Can Great Northern Beans 15oz
1 Tbsp Good Olive Oil
Kosher Salt
Fresh Black Pepper
1/2 cup Red Wine Vinegar
Fresh Parsley (if you have it, dried works too)
1/2 tsp Cumin

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix and enjoy. Better flavor the longer it sits. Best if made the day before.

Feel free to experiment and change to your liking. Don't like cumin? Try lemon pepper, or Caribbean jerk seasoning.  Not a fan of Red wine vinegar? Try white balsamic, or cider, or rice wine. Lots of options! Enjoy.