We ended up getting a new scale in the middle of it all, so I'm not exactly sure where we stand. And for a while at the beginning I wasn't getting on the scale, I just wanted to see how my clothes were fitting, instead of numbers. Then I got wise and got on the scale. That lasted about three days until I couldn't stand it anymore!
So here are the numbers. Since June 10th as best as I can figure, it's somewhere in the vicinity of 16 lbs or so. I guess. Well I do know that the pants are fitting better, and remember this pair of pants....
They fit again!!!
So it all works out to about a half a pound a day. Not too shabby. We had some setbacks in the first week or so, working out what we could eat, and getting out fat count lower. To much fat doesn't make for a skinny Andrea. So now that we've got it...it's working. We did find some awesome products from Kay's Naturals they've got tons of foods that are quite delish! I really enjoy the Lemon Herb Chips and the Cinnamon Almond Cookies.
So were still plugging along. I'll keep you updated!
Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck! My sister is starting her weight loss journey this month too...(July who knew!) I know she said that it got easier to think about the food once she stopped thinking of it as a diet and more just changing the way she eats. Still. Not easy. It's good you guys are doing it together. :)