You are my muse. You make me sing. You lift my heart to the stratosphere of digital photography. Sorry that was kind of sickening. But I truly do love it---a lot. It's my Father-in-laws, and once in a while when I bat my big brown eyes all pretty like, he lets me borrow it. Mostly because I need to borrow it for the business, and I need to take product photos
and pictures of my dog. Seriously this camera makes taking photographer worthy pictures easy. Well at least I can pretend to be a photographer, and they don't come out so bad. good enough I feel that I can use them in/on print and website material for the company. FIL once had a Nikon film camera and had a lot of the lenses that went with that, so he is now able to utilize them with the new camera. Even though it's a DSLR and you can change all the regular camera stuff like, shutter speed an stuff (I really have no idea how to do all photog-y stuff with the camera) it's really still a point and shoot camera. But the best part is it has exceptional clarity, and you can still use the view finder! This is an odd little quirk of mine. On our much loved Cannon P&S, I don't miss the view finder at all, if it was there I don't think that I would ever use it. On this camera though, I find myself mooshing my face to the back of the camera all the time to use the view finder. It just seems like the way to take the picture. I don't know, I might be a little crazy. P.S. if you have an extra one laying around and are thinking ...Hmm I never use this, I might as well send it off to someone who would really appreciate it. CONTACT ME!!
Well this is all because, I'm getting a website! WOOHOO!! It's in the works now and I can't wait to give you all the details on it. I have been blessed to marry a man that has graphic designers as friends. Sweet Score! A lovely lady named Brianne Ptak-Mimura did my logo and and equally lovely lady named Adrienne DeTraglia is working my website as we speak. I will have all their info up here so I can rightfully plug their wicked talents!
Well that's about it for today. Lots of baking about to happen.
Delmar Farmers Market on Saturday and the
Troy Victorian Stroll on Sunday. Hope to see you out this weekend getting ready for the holiday and picking up some yummy treats!
Please Mommy, may I have some more? |
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