Out and about. We travelled to western New York to see Kevin's (husbands) family. Late wednesday night, stopping at my parents house to drop off the dog. This was Grandma and Grandpa's first dog sitting extravaganza. And now Penny knows how awesome going to Grandma & Grandpa's is. 'Cause there, we don't eat meals, we just get snacks. ALL DAY. But hey, we were glad that Mom and Dad would watch her, and what ever took her mind off of not having us there and her being in a strange place. So treats all day, whatev-
It was really great to spend time with his family, something that we don't get to do to often. Alot of his family is in North Carolina, and cousins are spread out all over the North East. Buffalo isn't a short trip, but we were glad to do it. A lot of laughs were had. Home we came on Friday night, as I had a Delmar Farmers Market in the morning.

At 3pm Michelle showed up! It's do good to see my best friend! Lots and lots and lots of laughs later we went out to Ali Baba in Troy for dinner. SOOO GOOD! We love us some Turkish food. Bring on the wood fired lavash. To the grocery, liquor store and home we came. A sentimental viewing of Army of Darkness and half a Long Island Iced tea.... And I was down for the count.
Sausage biscuits and gravy for breakfast, and subsequent coma after. Its a good week.
We love those dinosaur books! In addition to "How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night" we also have "How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food!" They're so fun :)